Defense Secretary William S. Cohen told the President to attack Iraq.
They added that the President could not attack the huge public-sector deficit because Government spending is an essential part of his strategy to win five years in office.
But wouldn't Republicans howl just as loudly if the President attacked Iraq after being impeached by the House but before the outcome of the Senate trial?
In speeches and other comments in recent months, the Iraqi President has attacked the United States.
When the captain asked why President had attacked his much smaller ship, Creighton claimed that it was because Little Belt had provoked the action.
That night, the President addressed the nation and attacked the unfairness of Mr. Starr's four-year-old investigation.
Although Presidents have often attacked and run against Congresses controlled by the opposition party, Mr. Bush seemed to relish the opportunity.
This week the Government recovered somewhat, after the President publicly attacked early retirees as "vagabonds" and personally lobbied Congress.
It is, therefore, regrettable that the outgoing President has attacked his country's human rights ombudsman, who criticised government actions.
In an interview, Mr. Clarke said it was the President and his principal foreign policy advisers who "obviously decided to attack in more than one place."