The President contends that such contacts are worthwhile as a means of tempering Beijing's behavior through dialogue.
Today, for example, the President contended that NAFTA has brought a net increase of 100,000 jobs.
But there is still widespread skepticism that the Government could squeeze as much money out of the system as the President contends.
The President contends that his Integrity Fund will protect future retirees and taxpayers.
The President contends that lifting the ban would encourage more women to have abortions.
But none supported a Haiti invasion, which they saw as lacking a national interest and likely to be more messy and protracted than the President contends.
The President contends that if the opposition controls the city, Croatia's economic recovery will be disrupted.
(103) The President contended that he had believed his various statements in the Jones case to be legally accurate.
The President contended that his opponents were "inventing" the possiblity of election fraud to get financial assistance from foreign governments and other groups opposed to his leadership.
It would be dangerous to isolate a nation of one billion people, the President contends.