The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances this week (all times Eastern daylight): President Bush "20/20."
If other wanderers can debate the tastiest sparerib cafes of the land, why then a professional witness lately criss-crossing the nation ought to come up with some nasty, deserved laughs at the Presidential campaigners' expense.
The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances in coming days: Vice President Quayle TODAY: 8 A.M., ABC, "Good Morning America," interview.
The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances in coming days: Senator Al Gore TODAY: 10 P.M., MTV, Town meeting from New York.
The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances in coming days: President Bush TODAY: 9 P.M., CNN, "Larry King Live."
The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances in coming days: President Bush TODAY: 10 P.M., C-Span, tape of speech in Findlay, Ohio.
The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances in coming days: President Bush No appearances scheduled.
Except for President Bush, a combat pilot, and Senator Dole, an authentic war hero, recent and present Presidential campaigners have mostly been "draft dodgers."
Mr. Clinton's history - as college politician, Arkansas Governor, Presidential campaigner and President - is a stuttering series of reversals and political fresh starts.
The Presidential campaigners have scheduled these television appearances in coming days: President Bush TODAY: 10 A.M., Christian Broadcasting Network, taped interview.