But hours later the Senate, in two voice votes, approved amendments that would restore much of the Presidential discretion in import relief decisions it had taken away Tuesday.
It includes objections to the Finance Committee's restrictions on Presidential discretion in granting relief for industries injured by imports.
While Senate confirmation is required for some advisers, such as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, most are appointed with full Presidential discretion.
Motives Questioned But the policy governing the use of reserve oil has largely been left to Presidential discretion.
The limiting of Presidential discretion is one of the main provisions of the trade bill and one that the Administration has said could provoke a veto.
"Were the Congress to react to the Iran affair with additional restrictions on Presidential discretion, the consequences would be extraordinarily dangerous to the future of American foreign policy."
A veto threat hangs over the amendment, but later the Senate voted to restore much of the Presidential discretion on import relief it had taken away Tuesday.
A conflict is possible between the White House and Congress over Presidential discretion in setting import curbs.
On Tuesday the Senate voted to limit Presidential discretion in deciding to grant relief to domestic industries hurt by imports.
Although Congress cannot negotiate trade agreements, it is likely to continue whittling away at Presidential discretion on all kinds of trade decisions.