He was Chair of Suffolk Primary Care Trust from 2007-2013.
More than 92% of the Trust's clinical income arises from contracts with the Primary Care Trust.
In 2005, Hampshire Primary Care Trust held consultation meetings about its future.
Many health services at the prison are provided by Leicestershire Primary Care Trust.
The patient's Primary Care Trust could still decide to fund the new treatment, but if not, the patient would then have two choices.
There is no major local government employment in the town, and the principal public sector employers are the Primary Care Trust and the schools.
In England that would cover around a quarter of Primary Care Trusts.
The service is being run in around 30 Primary Care Trusts with over 20,000 patient registered to receive alerts.
The Central Lancashire Primary Care Trust has its head office in the area.
In legal terms the organisation remains Barnet Primary Care Trust.