Tinchen's Prince carried top weight of 121 pounds, 11 more than the runner-up, and paid $3.60 for $2 to win as the favorite.
"Let the Prince of Rathain pay his own debts."
Prince still pays me in cash-five bucks an hour plus dinner and a few beers.
The Prince paid a lakh of rupees ingold for this child.
For the house and furnishings, the Prince paid £220,000.
Val's Prince ran the mile and a half in 2:284/5 , paid $7.30 and earned $300,000.
That is the real challenge, and the Prince pays it only lip service.
I am honored that the Prince pays such attention to my humble affairs.
The Prince also paid Sarro to write pieces of music for him.
The people, young and old, paid their respects, and the Prince paid his respects in return.