Once inside, Princess Diana spent 40 minutes talking to the patients, one of whom had sadly died only hours before the Princess arrived.
The Princess of Wales has arrived in Nepal for a four-day visit.
"But I agree with you that the sooner our Princess arrives and is formally married to His Majesty, the happier we shall all feel."
There was a commotion in the main street leading to the dock: the High Princess was arriving.
While there, a badly injured Princess of the Swans lands, having been attacked by a predator she does not know the name of, arrives.
The Princess and her party, including Yvette, arrived two days later.
He and Trinket embarked on a conversation about Russia, but before they had got very far, the Princess arrived.
"A Little Princess" also arrives without benefit of big names or a whopping Hollywood pedigree.
When the Princess arrived home, still distraught, she asked Doris, her favourite maid why she was so happy.
When the Princess arrived, they shook him, and beat him, and screamed at him, but it was all no good.