These include the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA), which provide estimates for the money value of output and income per year or quarter.
This has practical use, because price indexes and the National Income and Product Accounts are constructed from such bundles of commodities and their respective prices.
These studies implicitly incorporated some degree of tax evasion in their calculations simply by using National Income and Product Account based figures that presumably understate total household consumption.
The studies have implicitly incorporated a significant degree of tax evasion in calculations simply by using National Income and Product Account based figures that understate total household consumption.
As measured in the National Income and Product Accounts, corporate earnings declined in the fourth quarter of last year and in the first quarter of 1998.
"A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts."
Kendrick, John W. "Expanding Imputed Values in the National Income and Product Accounts."
One such measure of it is National Income in the National Income and Product Accounts.
(Inventory accumulation would correspond to an excess supply of products; in the National Income and Product Accounts, it is treated as a purchase by its producer.)
He serves on the Commerce Department's Advisory Committee on the National Income and Product Accounts.