The influential chairman of the State Senate's Business and Professions Committee went on trial today on Federal charges of bribery, extortion, racketeering and money laundering.
Holzapfel serves in the Assembly on the Regulated Professions Committee.
The trial period will not end for another four months, but yesterday, the Assembly's Consumer Affairs and Regulated Professions Committee approved a measure to make deregulation permanent.
Currently, Senator Wyland serves on the Governmental Organization, Transportation, Insurance, and Business and Professions Committees.
During his legislative service, he was the chairman for eight years of the Business Organizations and Professions Committee.
That was the reasoning behind a bill approved yesterday by the Assembly's Consumer Affairs and Regulated Professions Committee.
The bill was considered by the Assembly Business and Professions Committee in July 2009.
After the July 7, 2009 vote by the Assembly Business and Professions Committee, the bill was sent to the Appropriations Committee.
She served on the Consumer and Regulated Professions Committee and the Health Committee.
The Assembly Consumer Affairs and Regulated Professions Committee will hear two bills today.