But Professor Meyer was not willing to rule out the potential for "limited tactical nuclear proliferation" in the interim.
Despite all of these accolades, perhaps the best marker of Professor Meyers' success was his standing within the student body.
Can it be that many, perhaps most, law schools have proceeded along lines similar to those Professor Meyer evokes?
Professor Meyer said she did not remember who asked her to write the letter.
Professor Meyer, aided by his assistants and students, is the creator of the exhibition.
Professor Meyer said no evidence has been unearthed that the Tell figure existed.
"It's so attractive that we used it as a recruiting device," Professor Meyers said.
"It will certainly delay the recovery of these stocks," Professor Meyers said.
"The two of them are basically on the same side, they have a common enemy," Professor Meyers said.
Professor Meyer has had a long and distinguished academic career.