"If it were not for Professor Said's well-known political views this would not have become a matter of heated and ongoing debate," it read.
Including more non-Western works in CC and Humanities, Professor Said (pronounced sa-YEED) said, "is not an efficient way of doing things."
Professor Said said that Professor Abu-Lughod became the best-known Palestinian intellectual in the Middle East.
Mr. Rosenthal claims that Professor Said denounces the West to his students.
Born in Jerusalem Professor Said, 52 years old, was born in Jerusalem as an American citizen.
He said he had argued against the decision, adding, "I deeply regret that this has been done to Professor Said."
This is an exhortation to fairness and informed sensitiveness that Professor Said would do well to take to heart.
Professor Said said Hussein's moves were "viewed with considerable alarm by many West Bank Palestinians."
Like Professor Said, and many of those who spoke in the Congressional debate, I, too, am far from convinced that the President adequately pursued diplomatic alternatives to war.
He had accused Professor Said and other prominent professors and writers of the "attempted soul murder of Daniel L. Price."