The office was relatively unknown until the enactment of the Prohibition Act when CGI grew to a cadre of 45 investigators.
In response, the government resolved to repeal the Prohibition Act and replaced it with government-owned liquor stores.
In Austria, similar provisions apply pursuant to Section 3 of the Prohibition Act 1947.
In 2006, he sponsored H.R. 4777, the Internet gambling Prohibition Act.
Congress is currently considering a bill called the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act.
According to the sections of Prohibition Act - 1950, promoting liquor is a crime.
Cluster Munitions Prohibition Act 2009 (No 68)
The Alberta prohibition referendum passed resoundingly, and the legislature passed the Prohibition Act in the spring of 1916.
Rajaji introduced The Prohibition Act in September 1937.
The well-organized temperance movement did so on prohibition, which was endorsed in the ensuing plebiscite; the legislature passed the Prohibition Act in the spring of 1916.