Proponents emphasise that the doctrine does not attempt to diminish the role of the Pope.
Proponents of mercantilism emphasized state power and overseas conquest as the principal aim of economic policy.
Proponents of these theories, such as Alfred Mitchell-Innes, will sometimes emphasize that credit and debt are the same thing, seen from different points of view.
Proponents of anonymous juries question the legitimacy of such questioning and emphasize the unsought burdens of jury service.
Choice: Proponents of voluntary euthanasia emphasize that choice is a fundamental principle for liberal democracies and free market systems.
Proponents emphasized that RH will help in stemming the AIDS epidemic that is worsening in the Philippines.
Proponents of the proposition, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act, emphasized the cost savings of the shift.
Proponents emphasize the child's resistance to attachment and the need to break it down.
Proponents for the court decision emphasize that the testimony established that Mauchly definitely had complete access to Atanasoff's machine and the documents describing it.
Proponents of authenticity emphasize the corroborative nature of examining the evidences of the time as one unit, including the Cyprian quotes and the Old Latin mss.