The Protestant army surprised the royal troops, and this gave them the initial advantage.
Yet, by my hilt, were it not for that man there would be no Protestant army advancing upon us down yonder road.
There are already a strong body of godly and honest folk therein, who would rejoice to see a Protestant army within their gates.
The Protestant army was too weak to start an all-out assault on the castle, so Mansfeld decided to take the city by hunger.
The Catholics drove the hill and shattered the Protestant army.
The Protestant army had been all but destroyed.
At some point about here Mother Courage is again following the Protestant army.
Spanish occupation in 1621-1632 ended when Protestant Swedish armies liberated the area.
Tilly met the Protestant army at its rear guard and drove upon it.
Horn seems to have been reluctant to do so given the ragged state of the Protestant armies.