This attack was successful until he met the main Protestant body, and was then rebuffed.
In 1845, the Maritime Baptists were the first Protestant body in what is now Canada to send missionaries overseas.
Take the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's biggest Protestant body.
The transformation of the Anglican Church into a recognisably Protestant body also occurred under Edward, who took great interest in religious matters.
The regional branches of the German Evangelical Church, the main Protestant body, were often administered and financed through governmental agencies.
The proposed revision would also be another in a series of recent moves sharply distinguishing Southern Baptists from other major Protestant bodies.
Leaders from 10 major Protestant bodies tried to rally this broad center of public opinion last December.
It is one of only three official Protestant bodies recognized in the country.
Only one other predominantly white Protestant body - the United Presbyterian Church - had selected a black leader by that time.
It was a union of thirty three diverse Protestant religious bodies forcibly brought together by the Japanese wartime government on June 24, 1941.