Wisla is the only town in Poland with a Protestant majority.
Both of the two main parties representing the Protestant majority are caught in a generational power struggle.
He did not mention that the gesture outraged the leaders of the Protestant majority in the north.
Calvert acted in various ways to restrain the influence of the Protestant majority.
He came to see that the Catholic population were an oppressed minority in the region, with work hard to obtain from the Protestant majority.
Religious leaders of the Protestant majority in the North were nowhere in sight for months.
Shunned by the Protestant majority, Catholics around the turn of the century set up their own schools and other institutions.
A census out later this year is expected to show the Protestant majority down to 51 percent and the Catholic minority up to 45.
Quickly the population became a Protestant majority, and in 1642 religious tension began to erupt.
The Protestant majority in the province want to remain British.