The Heidrick & Struggles study profiled the typical top human resources executive as a 48-year-old white Protestant male, married to his first wife.
On issues like affirmative action, abortion and capital punishment, he writes, their attitudes "are remarkably similar to those held by the majority of white Protestant males."
Admittedly, they might once in a while inconvenience or disadvantage a white, Protestant male.
The survey found that the typical university and college president is a 53-year-old white Protestant male, married to his first spouse.
Like other Yale senior societies, Skull and Bones membership was almost exclusively limited to white Protestant males for much of its history.
These organizations are generally composed of young Protestant males from Northern Ireland.
Membership was limited to Protestant males.
At its peak in 1965, the Order's membership was around 70,000, which meant that roughly 1 in 5 adult Protestant males were members.
The catch was that holders of such grants were legally required to be white Protestant males of good character, above the age of thirty.
Further, does he agree that in many areas, such as Ballymena in my constituency, the worst affected group is that of Protestant working-class males?