Bergin served as president of the Society for Psychotherapy Research in 1974-1975.
Lambert has served as president of both the Society for Psychotherapy Research and the Utah Psychological Association.
It is published by Routledge on behalf of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.
The Generations of Psychotherapy Research: An Overview.
Furthermore, he has contributed to one third to the foundation of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR).
From 1972 to 1973 he was the president of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 3(2): 95-101.
In 1973-1974 Luborsky served as president of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.
Psychotherapy Research, 21, 482-496.
A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research (fully revised and updated 2nd edition with A. Roth - published 2004 by Guilford).