The saying is also the only formal greeting in the Punjabi language.
Many feel this has lead to the death of the Punjabi language in the western diaspora especially in the third and fourth generation.
Saraiki, which some consider to be a dialect of the Punjabi language, is also spoken by a few people.
One social/educational issue is the status of Punjabi language.
Many have called for the Punjabi language to be given recognition as it has in India.
The population is 236,000 (2012 estimate) most being Muslim and speak the Punjabi language.
The Punjabi language, as an optional subject, is taught in schools and colleges of the city.
He also offered to pay for translating the book into Punjabi language so that more people could read it.
He worked all his life to lift the status of the Punjabi language.
Others, such as those for the Punjabi language were closed due to the dwindling number of students.