To list a Qaeda fighter as "confirmed dead" does not necessarily mean that the military has a body.
But today was the first time the administration asserted that it had arrested any Qaeda fighters.
American officials said today that they were making steady progress and had killed many Qaeda fighters.
"We don't know of any way they can move out from where they are," said a senior military official, referring to the Qaeda fighters.
Or does the Pentagon have its hands full trying to take on Qaeda fighters?
Vast areas of the countryside remain outside government control, particularly in the south and east, where 300 to 500 Qaeda fighters have found sanctuary.
Smoke prompted two Qaeda fighters to stand next to a window for fresh air.
Officers discussed how to spot a Qaeda fighter dressed as a woman by looking at his feet.
American military officials said the soldiers had been mistaken for Qaeda fighters.
The Qaeda fighters used the time to make their escape.