In the Quechua languages it is known as chiric sanango, chiriq sanango, or chiricaspi.
The name Mayoruna comes from the Quechua (Runa Simi) language and means "river people."
(Scholars today spell the word with a k instead of a c because that is the modern spelling in Peru's Quechua language.)
The tree is known in Quechua languages as Ishpingo, which specifically refers to the flowers, and more recently as Flor de Canela.
Having had no written language until after the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire, Quechua languages throughout South America now use characters from the Latin alphabet.
The word putumayo comes from the Quechua languages.
For general conversation, they speak the more common Quechua language.
The name means "royal" in Quechua language.
In the Quechua languages, aya means "spirit", and waska means "vine".
In 1945 Surí ("rhea" in Quechua languages) began to play the tournaments organized by field hockey association, starting at third division.