Despite not being happy about it, the Queen agreed with this, and was surprised by the results.
The Queen will see it today and will undoubtedly agree with every word.
"That was the plan," the Queen agreed, looking pleased with herself.
This Queen always agrees with the King when he tells of how beautiful the kingdom is.
The Queen agrees, reminding him that in the new world, they would have no recollection of their agreement.
Eventually, they were permitted to stay and the Queen agreed personally to pay their rent - now £120,000 a year - for seven years.
In the wake of the outcry over the restoration bill, the Queen agreed to pay income tax.
In 1992, the Queen agreed, under pressure, to pay taxes.
I reckoned that the Queen would probably have agreed with me - she'd always come across as a decent sort.
Beginning in 1993, the Queen of England agreed to pay taxes on income and capital gains.