Whoever the Queen wrote about, she got right into that person and conveyed it through the whole song.
Four weeks after the interview was broadcast, the Queen wrote to the couple and urged them to divorce sooner rather than later.
The Queen wrote that Louise "danced the sword dance with more verve and accuracy than any of her sisters".
The Queen wrote: "She is (and who would some years ago have thought it?)
The Queen your mother wrote to me.
The Queen wrote that he played for the hour it took to build the cairn and "some merry reels were danced on a stone opposite".
The Queen wrote and handed the duchess the order, and afterwards dismissed her with a warm and cheerful embrace.
Queen wrote a significant request for withdrawal from active command and included his guarded reservations in regard to his deeply held tenets.
A Professor Bell explained the whole process which is most extraordinary', the Queen wrote in her diary.
The Queen does not give interviews or write articles.