He died three days later in a Queens hospital at age 73.
He was listed in good condition at a Queens hospital.
Queens Hospital treats 325,000 patients each year, nearly 40 percent of them uninsured.
The new charges are part of a pilot project at the Queens hospitals this summer.
Doctors, he said, do not want to work at Queens Hospital.
These groups might form a private corporation to provide doctors for Queens Hospital.
The seven wounded were sent to Queens Hospital and put under armed guard.
At the two Queens hospitals, the minimum clinic fee for an adult has been increased to $20 from $10.
He was in stable condition after several days in an intensive care unit at a Queens hospital, health officials said.
A little more than a week later, Andrew was admitted to a Queens hospital with bruises all over his body.
He died three days later in a Queens hospital at age 73.
He was listed in good condition at a Queens hospital.
The new charges are part of a pilot project at the Queens hospitals this summer.
Queens Hospital treats 325,000 patients each year, nearly 40 percent of them uninsured.
Doctors, he said, do not want to work at Queens Hospital.
These groups might form a private corporation to provide doctors for Queens Hospital.
At the two Queens hospitals, the minimum clinic fee for an adult has been increased to $20 from $10.
The seven wounded were sent to Queens Hospital and put under armed guard.
He was in stable condition after several days in an intensive care unit at a Queens hospital, health officials said.
A little more than a week later, Andrew was admitted to a Queens hospital with bruises all over his body.