Mr. Flake has also achieved a strong reputation for the kind of enterprise that Queens leaders want.
But the relationships between the mayor and many of the Queens leaders in that room are well established and built on multiple visits and shared priorities.
"They make our job easy," said Representative Thomas J. Manton, who is also the Queens Democratic leader.
"I guess some people can count," said Representative Thomas J. Manton, the Queens Democratic leader, who did march.
Representative Thomas J. Manton, the Queens Democratic leader, called the arrest "so shocking, it's almost unbelievable."
"Claire doesn't do things to get her name in the paper," said John Sabini, who briefly was the Queens Democratic leader last year.
"She didn't just show up at the last minute," said Brian O'Dwyer, a lawyer close to the Queens Democratic leaders.
Other Queens leaders are more cautious about whether the borough has the tax base to offer the current level of services without raising taxes.
He was backed by the Queens Democratic leader, Representative Thomas J. Manton.
The Queens leader is not ready to rule out supporting the Mayor.
Mr. Flake has also achieved a strong reputation for the kind of enterprise that Queens leaders want.
But the relationships between the mayor and many of the Queens leaders in that room are well established and built on multiple visits and shared priorities.
"They make our job easy," said Representative Thomas J. Manton, who is also the Queens Democratic leader.
"I guess some people can count," said Representative Thomas J. Manton, the Queens Democratic leader, who did march.
"Claire doesn't do things to get her name in the paper," said John Sabini, who briefly was the Queens Democratic leader last year.
"She didn't just show up at the last minute," said Brian O'Dwyer, a lawyer close to the Queens Democratic leaders.
Other Queens leaders are more cautious about whether the borough has the tax base to offer the current level of services without raising taxes.
Despite the ambivalence, the Queens leader's call for Mr. Stein to withdraw reflected a major shift in the the mayoral race.
He was backed by the Queens Democratic leader, Representative Thomas J. Manton.
The Queens leader is not ready to rule out supporting the Mayor.