Chief Borrelli said he started inquiring and found similar accounts from other Queens precincts.
The program began in 1986 in two Queens precincts and now has been expanded to include 28 precincts citywide.
Ten other Queens precincts also showed increases.
Mr. Hynes said the boyfriend, who has not been identified by the authorities, works in a Queens precinct.
In one Queens precinct, murders rose by 140 percent, from 15 to 36.
Last fall, the campaign was expanded to six other Queens precincts.
But the prints of people arrested for gun possession are stored separately, and the investigator may never have searched Queens precincts, he said.
Yesterday's indictments, like those in an earlier stun gun case in a Queens precinct, may reassure some people.
In the other cases, he was identified by 12 girls, ranging in age from 8 to 14, in incidents in three Queens precincts.
The new procedure is a result of racial-bias allegations that shook a Queens precinct earlier this month.