User programmed effects can be stored in 50 memory locations or on optional external RAM cards, including specialist guitar effects cards.
All these models featured a special board slot for the processor card, as well as machine specific RAM cards.
High-quality effects units were included, along with disk drives or RAM cards for storage.
There are also add-ons, such as a 512K external RAM card.
The System 8813 TwinSystem had an additional RAM card, video card, and keyboard.
Bank switching between the RAM cards allowed the CPU to keep two applications in memory simultaneously.
Smart Media card significantly increased user memory capacity, though it's not instantly accessible as older RAM cards.
The credit-card sized, battery-powered RAM cards come with capacity sizes of 256kb or 512Kb.
Battery-backed real time clock for time and date stamping of files, if the internal RAM card is present.
These can include RAM cards, ROM cards, modems and other devices.