Thompson's RCA brand introduced a $699 Home Theater Jukebox, which focuses on recording and distributing downloaded music files.
RCA is still pocketing handsome royalties, but the Japanese now have a bigger share of the American market than the RCA brand.
The latest generation, built under the RCA brand by Thomson Multimedia, is appearing in electronics stores this week at the lofty price of about $300.
The latest devices for reading electronic books using the Gemstar technology, produced by Thomson Multimedia under the RCA brand, went on sale yesterday in electronics stores.
It formed a joint venture with the television business of Thomson, which sells TV's under the RCA brand.
Thomson, which makes appliances under the RCA brand, sells through 15,000 electronics stores, he said.
Zenith has trailed the market leader, Thomson's RCA brand, for much of the decade.
Russia), and under the RCA brand in North America.
Thomson, the owner of the RCA brand, has gone after the less-expensive end of the MP3 market with a number of models starting at $50.
For information on the RCA brand after 1986, see RCA (trademark).