A blue color with RGB values of 0 0 255 therefore appears bright.
If the camera's raw RGB values are known, one may use the 3x3 diagonal matrix:
Thus an RGB value does not define the same color across devices without some kind of color management.
Unique histogram feature shows distribution of RGB values in zoomed-in area of image.
Each byte of the image data is an index into Palette which contains the actual RGB value for the pixel.
Or, for colored pictures, how to interpret the RGB values in order to recreate the right color?
The unofficial RGB values of the flag have been manually extracted since 2009.
The midpoint value results in the "middle" shade of gray, with an RGB value of (128,128,128).
The resulting RGB value and the total intensity is shown.
The colour of a point, on a standard 24-bit computer display, is defined by three RGB (red, green, blue) values, each ranging from 0-255.