While at Pittsburgh in his third year, he along with almost twenty other members of his ROTC class were commissioned into military service on June 29, 1943.
Starting in 1950, the building underneath the west stands was known as "McCarthy Hall", and was the location of ROTC classes for years.
The same article noted that the entire population of the school was 4,000, with the first ROTC class seeing an enrollment of 250.
One reason he had worked hard in ROTC classes was that he had thought he might need the army for a job.
He showed interest in the military when he graduated on the top of his ROTC class in 1929.
Another question they never raised in ROTC classes on leadership, and one with no answer for now.
There are also several P.E. and ROTC classes that use the range.
Almost none of the episodes show the characters in class; the one exception being Rocko's ROTC class in the episode, Financial Aid.
Students who did not take any ROTC classes (or took too few) attend LTC to qualify for the Advanced Course.
Maybe they belonged to the same order, or frat, or ROTC class.