Seeing a RSC production is a must.
The film reunites a number of the principal actors from the 1984 RSC production, but a true feeling of ensemble would be too much to hope for.
And because every actor in an RSC production also has to understudy a second role, you might even see a big name appearing as an understudy.
I've seen some very varied fringe, but I've left at the interval of more RSC productions than anyone elses.
Normington was also a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company performing in more than 20 RSC productions.
The RSC production will, however, like the Barton-Hall experiment, allow the same actor to move across plays.
I don't care if they set up a tent so long as we can see more RSC productions.
He was also Robin Hood in the 2011 RSC production of the legend.
I found Stagetext works for me listening to the RSC production - only when they have the caption unit well placed.
He also appeared in the 1966 RSC production of Staircase opposite Paul Scofield.