Total rainfall averages 805mm per year, with at least 1mm falling on 124 days.
Rainfall averages around 870mm a year, with at least 1mm falling on 143.5 days.
Rainfall averages around 870mm per year with over 1mm falling on 139 days.
Rainfall averages 1112mm a year, with over 1mm recorded on 161 days.
Annual rainfall averages 799mm, with at least 1mm of rain reported on 122.4 days.
Annual average rainfall averages around 650mm, with over 1mm falling on 124 days of the year.
Rainfall averages 38mm a month and sunshine is 227 hours.
Rainfall averages around 585mm a year, with in excess of 1mm falling on 109 days.
Rainfall averages must be more than 1000 mm (40 inches) a year.
The rainfall averages 941 mm a year and average air humidity is 72 percent.