The foundation of Reading Abbey led to the town becoming a place of pilgrimage and enhanced the town's prosperity.
She is said to have stayed there on occasion, possibly while visiting Reading Abbey.
The church was built on a portion of the site of Reading Abbey.
The route then passes close to the ruins of Reading Abbey, before traversing the town centre between miles 6 and 7.
The church was described as 'ancient' in a founding charter of Reading Abbey in 1121.
We have a full catalogue of the collection formed by the newly founded Reading Abbey, between the 1120s and the 1190s.
His remains were brought over to Reading Abbey to be buried.
Mauclerk's origins are unknown, although he had a brother who was prior of Reading Abbey.
The duel took place while the court was in residence at Reading Abbey in 1163.
Reading was an important centre in the medieval period, as the site of Reading Abbey, a monastery with strong royal connections.