Yet all these ambitions didn't square with their promises to cut the Reagan deficit any more than the Republican incantations did.
The Reagan deficits are doing their intended work, providing an automatic obstacle to any new program.
That won't happen overnight, but it will happen - if we have the vision to begin, rather than wringing our hands over the Reagan deficit.
Contractionary fiscal policy is the regrettable necessity imposed by the large Reagan deficits.
Foreign ownership of Treasuries has tripled from the peak of the Reagan deficits in 1983.
It took 15 years of hard work and good luck before the Reagan deficits were vanquished.
He was one of the first Republicans to recognize that the towering Reagan deficits endangered the health of the economy.
He won the office; now, facing the Reagan deficits' steep cliffs, he'll have to manage it.
Potential Democratic candidates have sought to chart an honest cure for the vast Reagan deficits.
It's his President, after all, who insists on continuing the no-new-tax policy, despite the Reagan deficit.