Red Grooms (Marlborough Gallery, 40 West 57th Street): The art world feeds off itself in mysterious ways, and the latest evidence is Red Grooms's new work, which gives us, in two and three dimensions, the legendary days at the Cedar Bar.
Every time I look at a Red Grooms, I too get the feeling of "sudden glory."
The back cover's photograph features artist Red Grooms crossing Third Avenue in 1960.
This is not Red Grooms's New York; it is both softer and more cold-blooded at the same time.
In the background, Mr. Johnson inserted life-size portraits of himself and three sculptor-friends - Red Grooms, Andrew Pitynski and Bill Barrett.
The Clemente-esque big faces, owlish eyes, levitating bodies and faceted forms, reminiscent of early modernism (various parts Chagall, Kokoschka and Beckmann), conspire to create an appealing fluffiness that shares qualities with superhip magazine illustrations and also Red Grooms.
The exhibition's gray eminence is Red Grooms, who is represented by a cartoony lithograph, "Taxi Pretzel."
May is one of the historic Nashville figures whose likenesses were created by artist Red Grooms for the Tennessee Foxtrot Carousel in Nashville.
Critics liken Colescott's work to his contemporaries as well as historic antecedents; as art critic Mario Naves has summarized, "Mr. Colescott is not a satirist, cartoonist or Red Grooms, though he resembles each.
Soon thereafter she met Allan Kaprow, the primary figure of happenings in addition to artists Red Grooms and Jim Dine.