The port was developed from a natural deepwater channel discovered in the year 1850, at the mouth of Redwood Creek.
The trees, of course, were initially eyed by loggers, and Redwood Creek, as the area was known, seemed ideal for a dam.
It was situated where the Trinity Trail crossed Redwood Creek.
Albeeville was located on Redwood Creek, within an easy days travel from Fort Gaston.
This expansion protected the watershed along Redwood Creek from being adversely affected by logging operations outside the park.
Back country camping is by permit only and is only allowed in designated sites, except on gravel bars along Redwood Creek.
Extensive mudflats and marsh areas are found along Redwood Creek near its mouth.
Redwood Creek is a short but significant stream in Marin County, California.
Redwood Creek is spanned by several bridges:
Chesapeake Creek begins in open farmland north of the site and flows east into Redwood Creek.