The Bears would go on to score the next 46 points, including a touchdown by rookie defensive end William "The Refrigerator" Perry.
He does not want to be the Big Whopper of college football, the Refrigerator Perry of college quarterbacks.
Included William "The Refrigerator" Perry (4 hot dogs)
He remembers players like Refrigerator Perry snarling with his huge face scrunched up inside his tight helmet.
It is his balance and agility that make him more than a Refrigerator Perry bulling at the goal line.
The Team Action cards form a puzzle on their reverse of William 'The Refrigerator' Perry.
When Refrigerator Perry described eating cereal out of a mixing bowl, it made him a lovable big lug.
The cover photo was of Refrigerator Perry, the massive former Chicago Bear.
Some of my early attempts were more like Refrigerator Perry alighting on a swimming pool.
How long will William (Refrigerator) Perry be able to get away with weight problems without annoying teammates?