B1 The sale of the Regency Theater has been greeted with amazement, anguish and anger.
It continued under a succession of managers as the unsuccessful Regency Theatre (1815-1820), falling into decline.
The theater is currently owned by Regency Theaters.
In 2008, the festival moved to its new home in Pasadena, California where it was hosted by the Laemmle Theaters and the Regency Theaters.
Ford's "Liberty Valance" is one of 32 films the Regency Theater will be showing starting this Sunday as part of a six-week Stewart retrospective.
The movies are being selected by Frank Rowley, who managed the West Side's Regency Theater until it was converted into a first-run house last fall.
It is currently operated by Regency Theaters under the name Regency Village Theater.
Regency Theatres (There are three single-screen theaters in Westwood Village; two of them are owned by Regency.)
It was so tense as we waited for the parking lot of the Regency Theater to fill up.
It is the sole surviving Regency Theatre in the country .