An improved regulation would establish a better level of transparency.
In addition, the new regulations established a short-term exposure limit of 2 parts per million for any 15-minute period.
He said the agency would also consider the need for a regulation establishing a maximum level for lead in wine.
If we look into other regulations establishing legal bodies, it can be seen that the deadlines foreseen are usually between three and four years.
Hence, the Regulation establishes passengers' rights to know the identity of every airline they fly with throughout their trip.
The regulation before us establishes a common framework for producing Community figures on vocational training in enterprises.
The Regulations establish a structured approach which will be familiar to many employers who already take their approach to health and safety seriously.
The United States does not have a specific federal regulation establishing universal implementation of privacy policies.
We are also busy preparing a proposal that will allow changes to the regulation establishing the Frontex agency and its working methods.
As some observers noted, the new regulation establishes the principle that environmental concerns take precedence over commercial arguments.