As regards this latter class of contracts, the Infants' Relief Act 1874 very much altered the law.
This is the final matter which is taken care of by the Specific Relief Act.
In 1778 a 'Catholic Relief Act' allowed Catholics to own property, inherit land and join the army.
"Maybe it should have been called the Attorneys and Investment Bankers' Relief Act."
But on Jan. 1, under the Tax Relief Act passed this year, the plans become free of federal income tax, too.
The Second Relief Act, therefore, passed (1791) without changing the previous oath, or the name of Catholics.
Brighton's Roman Catholic community at the time of the Relief Act was small, but two factors caused it to grow in the 1790s.
Keogh was criticized sharply for making these concessions, and conservatives in England were unhappy with the Relief Act.
The Relief Act of 1821 continued this principle but included additional provisions in response to the new policies set by the 1820 land act.
Starting then, under the Tax Relief Act passed this year, the plans become free of federal income tax, too.