It was rebuilt in the 14th century, and the Renaissance galleries were added in the 1520s.
Some of the most outstanding stained glass, dated 1243-48 comes from the Sainte-Chapelle, is displayed along with other examples in the new Medieval & Renaissance galleries.
These items are displayed in the new Medieval & Renaissance galleries.
It currently hangs in the Medieval Renaissance gallery and has the accession number 66.233.
It remains on permanent view in the Medieval & Renaissance galleries.
One is a 13- by 19-foot Flemish tapestry dating to the 16th century, now hanging in the Renaissance gallery.
The Louvre has a sizable collection, displayed in chronological order if you take the trouble to head for the Renaissance gallery first and continue from there.
Guy XVII built a Renaissance gallery in extension to the castle around 1542.
It also has a Renaissance gallery; other parts have undergone extensive remodelling in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Its Renaissance gallery has six arcades.