Work was resumed at the Renault factories on June 13 and 15 and in the steelworking industry.
With an annual production capacity of 286,000 up to 360,000 units, it is the largest Renault factory outside Western Europe.
The government decided to "requisition" the Renault factories.
Another Renault factory existed before in Casablanca with a capability of 40 000 vehicles.
He also visited a Renault factory to observe the tanks being manufactured.
The closure of the Renault factory is of course very sad.
I was astounded at the reaction at simply having a delegation from the Renault factory here when we were about to vote on that resolution.
The shock caused by the brutal closing down of the Renault factory in Vilvoorde a year ago seems to have passed.
Domestically, large-scale strikes broke out at Renault factories in April 1947.
Île Seguin was home to a Renault factory, constructed between 1929 and 1934.