At the Presidential campaign headquarters of Representative Jack F. Kemp, both the political strategists and the money people were excited.
Four days after he left the door to a Senate candidacy open "a crack," Representative Jack F. Kemp closed it yesterday.
Representative Jack F. Kemp has become the first Republican Presidential contender to qualify for matching public funds.
There were not enough backers of Representative Jack F. Kemp in the poll for a clear measurement.
The decision was viewed as aiding the campaign of Representative Jack F. Kemp.
Representative Jack F. Kemp of Buffalo, a Republican contender, showed up for 49 percent.
Representative Jack F. Kemp of upstate New York has a kind of multiple position.
This year, Representative Jack F. Kemp, one of the Republican candidates, has asked the commission to approve a delegate committee system.
Representative Jack F. Kemp, Republican of New York, took a more difficult position.
A similar theme was sounded earlier in the day by Representative Jack F. Kemp of New York.