"I wrote the bill," said Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut, the Republican sponsor who introduced her own version in the House.
Representative Nancy Johnson of Connecticut said Republicans "oppose what amounts to national price-fixing."
Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut said "there can be no justice without the truth."
But Republicans deserted the ethics committee's chairwoman, Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut, and the proposal was defeated, 219 to 173.
Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut, a Republican supporter of abortion rights, complained that the timing of the bill was "calculated for political gain."
The House ethics committee is in even greater disarray than it was when Representative Nancy Johnson of Connecticut was its leader.
Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut was also in the meeting.
"He has a directness that doesn't carry an overlay of intensity," says Representative Nancy Johnson of Connecticut.
The bill got only one Republican vote in committee, that of Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut, and its tax feature would invite a veto.
But in the Republican response, Representative Nancy L. Johnson of Connecticut said the House Republican plan was better.