In 1994, all three banks were merged under the Republic Bank & Trust Company name.
Republic Bank, an American bank that had once handled those duties, was leaving the business.
Republic Bank is writing down much of its portfolio of loans to Mexico.
Republic Bank of New York quoted a late bid of $367.50, up 15 cents.
In 1939 the Republic Bank, purchased the poporo, as an effort to preserve it from destruction.
More recently, he headed Republic Bank of New York's global derivatives business.
The mosque has also persuaded a local bank, the Republic Bank, to start a small-business loan program for them.
We have some foundations on board like Republic Bank, and we've had a lot of people call making donations.
I flew to Dallas and tried to borrow some more from Republic Bank, whose officers were getting nervous about what they'd already loaned us.
Republic Bank paid $606 million to victims, all Japanese companies.