Since ending martial law, the Republic of China has taken dramatic steps to improve respect for human rights and create a democratic political system.
However the Republic of Turkey has taken great steps to reforest at least some of the region.
The severance package and other costs of the campaign will cause Republic to take a $120 million pretax charge against earnings in the second quarter.
The People's Republic of China took full control of Tibet in 1959.
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus have taken part in five international tournaments and won four.
The Fourth Republic simply took their property, jewelry and objects.
The Republic of Ireland took its system off the peg.
The Democratic Republic of Congo must immediately take action to meet its commitments in areas of human rights violations.
After running into financial difficulties earlier in the year, the airline announced in March 2009 that Republic had taken a 50% stake in the company.
Now the Republic of Korea must take a central role.