He was first elected to the Assembly as a Republican in 1948, a year when six Republican assemblymen and three Republican senators went down to defeat.
Those shifting dynamics are already playing out in two very different potential races: A Republican assemblyman, Howard Mills, intends to challenge Senator Charles E. Schumer in November, and Mr. Miller plans to challenge Mr. Bloomberg for mayor in a year and a half.
Echoing criticism from two Republican assemblymen who have claimed that Mr. Menendez skirted conflict-of-interest rules in the transaction, Mr. Kean expressed outrage over what he said were Mr. Menendez's dual roles as lawmaker and landlord.
Last month, two Republican assemblymen filed a federal ethics complaint claiming that Mr. Menendez had skirted conflict-of-interest rules in the transaction.
The conference, held earlier this month, also prompted an outcry from others, including a SUNY trustee, Candace de Russy, and two Republican assemblymen, who called for Dr. Bowen's dismissal.
Two Republican assemblymen and a SUNY trustee called for the president's dismissal, although it was unclear how much support for that there would be among other trustees.
Some of the challengers are Republican assemblymen who were hurt by redistricting.
Republican assemblymen from such areas say that they are not alone, and that if taxes go up, all incumbents, including the Assembly Democrats, are going to have to explain to constituents why increases were unavoidable.
In a case brought by three Republican assemblymen, the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court in Albany ruled that the Constitution is "clear and unambiguous" in stating that the budget bills must be submitted along with the Governor's budget proposal.
Two Republican assemblymen renewed their call for the campaign finance bills without mentioning the subpoenas.