Now the Republicans blame advertisements from national labor unions for their troubles.
More recently, however, some Republicans have blamed Democrats for not doing more to secure their computers.
Republicans blame environmentalists, arguing that stepped-up logging is the answer, to clear the forests of the trees most likely to burn.
Republicans immediately blamed Mr. Clinton for failing to send a strong message to today's youngsters.
Nixon was one of the few leading Republicans not blamed for the disastrous results, and he sought to build on that in the 1966 congressional elections.
Privately, Democrats and Republicans blame one another for slowing things down, for failing to give in on certain points.
Democrats and even some Republicans blame him for higher taxes, a weak economy and an array of scandals.
That way if the measure fails, Republicans can blame the White House for not turning out its party.
Republicans, who won a few seats, blamed the shortfall on double-digit budget increases over the last several years.
A Republican, many blame him for the depression.