Republicans fared better in Florida House races, taking big leads for three open seats.
Republicans have fared well in Tennessee recently, but the state is split rather evenly between the parties.
Judges used to be elected strictly along party lines, with Republicans faring well in a county where they outnumber Democrats 3 to 2.
Pennsylvania, where Republicans generally fare well in Presidential general elections, is a particular challenge for Democrats.
Republicans have generally fared poorly in the district.
Republicans did not fare as well in Minnesota in the 1864 election as they had before.
The Republicans have fared better than the Democrats in recruiting candidates for the big Senate races.
Republicans maintained their hold on 6 of the state's 13 seats in the House of Representatives and fared well in many local races.
Statistically, Democrats dominate the 2nd district, although Republicans have recently fared well here in both congressional and statewide elections.
Other Republicans are not faring so well here this year.