The 43 Republicans are filibustering to prevent a vote on the $16.3 billion spending bill that Mr. Clinton says will spur the economy.
Republicans successfully filibustered the seating of Durkin.
Two years ago, Republicans filibustered to kill a campaign spending bill because the measure included spending limits for candidates.
Before the election recess, Democrats had 51 votes in the Senate for their plan, while Republicans, with 49 votes, were filibustering to prevent it from being approved.
Republicans had filibustered it for days in a successful effort to prevent Democrats from attaching a measure to aid displaced workers for airlines, airports and airplane makers.
Barr's strategy has been to stall past Dec. 15, when the law authorizing independent counsel expires; Republicans recently filibustered its extension to death.
Republicans delayed the nomination for months in committee and are now filibustering to keep it from coming to a confirmation vote on the floor.
Republicans successfully filibustered the amendment by a vote of 54-46, as 60 votes were needed for cloture.
Two years ago, Republicans successfully filibustered against a measure to change campaign financing that had been introduced by Senator David Boren, an Oklahoma Democrat.
When the tables were turned, Republicans filibustered President Bill Clinton's choice for surgeon general, forcing him to choose another.